The practical application of our products helps to tie new languages to the home and everyday life; a method that research has shown to be effective for learning and development in all age groups. Our team includes language therapists, teachers, artists and designers to create a world that supports the discovery of language through play.


Recent research has shown that exposing children to new languages can have a huge benefit to the way they learn and their social development, even if the languages aren’t spoken fluently at home. An early understanding that other languages exist can increase empathy and tolerance. There’s even evidence that bilingualism can improve brain function as well as brain health in later life and into old age.


The Lil’ollo product range incorporates simple, open products featuring a family of specially designed characters. A guide of games to play with your products alongside other helpful resources can be found in our learning section here >> Our characters, products and games have been built on some simple science behind how we learn languages. Our resident language therapist Ayelet talks us through this in the video above and also in our learning guide >>

