About us

Lil'ollo products, games and tools are for everyone four months and over, whether you are speaking several languages fluently or would just like to introduce the idea of another language.


Our bilingual range is currently available in English in combination with your choice of either Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian, German, Welsh or Polish. More will be added soon!

We believe early learning is at its most enjoyable and effective when it doesn’t ‘feel’ like learning, and is open for everyone to interpret in their own way. The practical application of our products helps to tie new languages to the home and everyday life; a method that research has shown to be effective for learning and development in all age groups. Our team include language therapists, teachers, artists and designers to create a world that supports the discovery of language through play.


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Our family and how we started

With so many of us moving around the globe, through travel, work and migration, speaking several languages and experiencing different cultures has become the norm.


Our family roots span four different continents and over the past few generations six languages have been spoken. Far from being unusual, our children are in good company.

Language isn’t just spoken or words on a page. We learn through pictures, stories, songs, games, toys, films, food, culture… and everything in our homes and the world around us. From 6 months, children can recognise and learn up to five different languages. There are 6,500 languages spoken in the world, and over 100 spoken in the UK alone. Language is so important for everyone, especially when we are learning how to communicate and socialise at an early age.


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